Backyard Poultry
Welcoming backyard poultry creates a whole new dimension of fun. These little feathered friends eat your kitchen scraps, weeds and bugs from your garden and in return provide you with the freshest, most flavorful eggs you could get. Depending on the breed you choose, many can be wonderful pets as well. Also, each bird has a unique personality that can add a lot of laughs to your day.
Do keep in mind, however, as rewarding as poultry keeping is, it is still work. They will need to be fed and watered at least once a day, rain or shine, in sickness and in health. The coop needs to be cleaned out, poop scooped, and nails trimmed. It is not hard, but it needs to be done.
Breeds for Backyard Eggs
Depending on your ultimate goal in keeping poultry, you have many different breeds to choose from. From ultimate egg layers like the legendary White Leghorn to friendly pets such as the fluffy Buff Orpington, I guarantee there is a breed suited for you.
Depending on your lifestyle and location, ducks may be a better choice for you. Many people who are allergic to chicken eggs can tolerate duck eggs, and many people prefer duck eggs for baking. Ducks don’t scratch like chickens do and so are less likely to dig up your garden beds. Slugs are considered a delicacy.
Backyard Poultry Coops and Care
No matter which breed you choose, all poultry will need basic care and shelter. Coops range in size and shape, and can be 100% utilitarian to as fancy and pretty as you want to make it. They will also need food, water, oyster shell and grit, and seasonal grooming such as nail trimming. If you choose ducks for your backyard, they will need extra water to bathe in.