Your Guide to A Simple Cottage Life

Greetings dearest reader! My name is Ariel, the heart and hands behind A Simple Cottage Life. My heart beats for all things simple living, Cottage-core, Hobbit-core, and books, oh the books! Cottage-core is a beautiful idea, but how do you implement it in real life? I want to share my passion for a simpler way of life, to merge the beautiful with the practical. Therefore, I want this blog to be a place where I can share knowledge and inspiration to assist you in creating your dream cottage home. Come journey with me into the profound joy of creating a beautifully simple home to care for our families and bring glory to God. My hope is that you will find encouragement and motivation as well as helpful information tucked within these pages.

A Sweet simple Cottage

Create and care for a comfortable, beautiful home that fits your family’s unique life and needs.

the cottage garden

Grow the freshest fruit, vegetables, herbs and flowers you could ask for right in your own backyard.

an old-fashioned kitchen

Cook and preserve with fresh ingredients and pantry staples to nourish your family’s body and soul.

backyard poultry

Consider welcoming some feathered friends into your yard, eggs are only the first gift they will give.

recommended books

Reviews of relevant books to consider adding to your home library. Or, you know, checking out from the public one.

A Sweet, Simple Cottage

Learn how to organize and decorate your home to fit your family’s unique life and promote a welcoming and cozy atmosphere.

The Cottage Garden

Nothing beats the taste of a homegrown vine-ripened tomato or the flavor of fresh picked basil. Discover beginner’s steps to growing your own food in your backyard.

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An Old-Fashioned Kitchen

Learn skills from yester-year to create meals that are nourishing and delicious yet simple and down-to-earth.

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Backyard Poultry

These feathered friends will bring so much joy to your family while providing the freshest, best tasting eggs you’ll ever had!

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Recommended Books

Reviews of relevant books to consider adding to your home library. Or, you know, checking out from your public one.

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